Cool. You actually have a percentage of when your songs will be finished. Your a machine. :) Love the pic. What the heck is that pink thing in your hands. Doesn't look like a mic. Maybe mentos candy? Hey that knife looks nice. Kinda weak compared to some of the lower rank pictures. Hmm I guess I'll wait for the dirty remix though I'm not fond of remixes. Anyway, I like commenting in ppl's comment box because you couldn't do that with the old NG. Have fun making music.
Cool. You actually have a percentage of when your songs will be finished. Your a machine. :) Love the pic. What the heck is that pink thing in your hands. Doesn't look like a mic. Maybe mentos candy? Hey that knife looks nice. Kinda weak compared to some of the lower rank pictures. Hmm I guess I'll wait for the dirty remix though I'm not fond of remixes. Anyway, I like commenting in ppl's comment box because you couldn't do that with the old NG. Have fun making music.